Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Put on the Armor of God, Part 2 | Archive 9/5/10



Eph 6: 10-17, Put on the full armor of God; it's a spiritual battle. Ladies discuss their conflicts with people at work. Your issue is inside you! Archive Sunday Service, September 5, 2010 Ephesians 6: 10-17 — 10 Finally, grow strong in the Lord, with the strength of his power. 11 Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to resist the devil's tactics. 12 For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the principalities and the ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spirits of evil in the heavens. 13 That is why you must take up all God's armour, or you will not be able to put up any resistance on the evil day, or stand your ground even though you exert yourselves to the full. 14 So stand your ground, with truth a belt round your waist, and uprightness a breastplate, 15 wearing for shoes on your feet the eagerness to spread the gospel of peace 16 and always carrying the shield of faith so that you can use it to quench the burning arrows of the Evil One