Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Ego: The Devil's Playground | Archive 9/19/10



Friends with liberals? Know yourself, know others. Can you be perfect? Ego: Education vs trades. Don't judge. Hake reads James. Archive Sunday Service, September 19, 2010 James 4: 1-2 — 1 Where do these wars and battles between yourselves first start? Is it not precisely in the desires fighting inside your own selves? 2 You want something and you lack it; so you kill. You have an ambition that you cannot satisfy; so you fight to get your way by force. It is because you do not pray that you do not receive; 3 when you do pray and do not receive, it is because you prayed wrongly, wanting to indulge your passions. 4 Adulterers! Do you not realise that love for the world is hatred for God? Anyone who chooses the world for a friend is constituted an enemy of God. 5 Can you not see the point of the saying in scripture, 'The longing of the spirit he sent to dwell in us is a jealous longing.'? 6 But he has given us an even greater grace, as scripture says: God opposes the proud but he accords his favour to the humble.