Sbs Indonesian - Sbs Bahasa Indonesia

Experts prepare for new bird flu strain - Para ahli mempersiapkan strain baru flu burung



The Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) is preparing for the potential arrival of the H-5-N-1 virus. The CSIRO organisation has identified three distinct avian flu outbreaks in Australia, each caused by different strains, but has yet to confirm a single case of H5N1. - Pusat Kesiapsiagaan Penyakit Australia (ACDP) sedang bersiap menghadapi potensi kedatangan virus H-5-N-1. Organisasi CSIRO telah mengidentifikasi tiga wabah flu burung yang berbeda di Australia, masing-masing disebabkan oleh jenis virus yang berbeda, namun belum dapat memastikan satu pun kasus H5N1.