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Tiwi Island community looking to boost knowledge of benefits of bush medicine - Masyarakat Pulau Tiwi menambah pengetahuan tentang manfaat pengobatan semak



Traditional owners of one of the most remote communities in Australia's north are using traditional knowledge of bush medicine to boost their local economy. Partnering up with Menzies School of Health, researchers and other industry groups - they hope to one day mass produce traditional bush medicine. - Pemilik tradisional dari salah satu komunitas paling terpencil di Australia Utara menggunakan pengetahuan tradisional mengenai pengobatan semak untuk meningkatkan perekonomian lokal mereka. Bermitra dengan Menzies School of Health, peneliti dan kelompok industri lainnya - mereka berharap suatu hari nanti dapat memproduksi obat tradisional semak secara massal.