



关注公众号与新浪微博“双语文摘”,参与更多英语学习。Balzac once said artistic creation was “an exhausting strug-gle”.巴尔扎克说过,艺术创造是“一场累人的斗争”。He believed that only by tenacious work and fearing notafraid of difficulties could you show your talent.他认为,只有顽强地工作,不怕困难,才能把自己的才华表现出来。It was just likethe soldiers charging the fortress,not relaxing your effort foreven a moment.这就好象向堡垒冲击的战士,一刻也不能松劲。Once Balzac wrote for hours on end, he was so tired that hecould not hold out any longer.有一次,巴尔扎克一连写了好几个小时,累得实在支持不住了,He ran to a friend's home andplunged headlong on the sofa.He wanted to sleep,but he told hisfriend he must be woken up within an hour.跑到一个朋友家里,一头倒在沙发上。他想睡一觉,但他告诉朋友,一定要在一小时之内叫醒他。His friend,seeinghim so tired,did not wake him up on time.After he woke up,Balzac got very angry at his friend.Fortunately his friend had anintimate understanding of him and did not quarrel with him.他的朋友见他非常疲劳,就没有按时叫醒他。他醒来后,对朋友大发脾气。幸好他的朋友很了解他,没有和他争吵。Balzac did not smoke cigarettes,nor did he drink any alco-hol.巴尔扎克既不抽烟,也不喝酒。But he got one habit:while he was writing