Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Midterms! Afraid not to trust thoughts? | Church 9/15/24



Do you tip? Midterms! Who are you? Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? "Am I shutting myself off from love?" Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, September 15, 2024 * Tipping culture, bad service, and customer attitude * Midterms! Who are you? Do thoughts ever go away? * Biblical Question: Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? * Is God in control of the affairs of your life? * Assignment: Distrust the thought. Let it overwhelm you. Feel the pain. * New Biblical Question idea: Are you one with yourself? ANNOUNCEMENT: Women's Forum third Thursday, Sept 19, 2024, 7 PM at BOND TIMESTAMPS* (0:00:00) Welcome. Trend: Women not shaving* (0:07:10) Profiling, service industry, black people tipping * (0:19:11) Midterm test: Who are you? * (0:23:36) Do thoughts ever go away? Who are you? * (0:29:50) BQ: Why afraid not to trust thoughts? * (0:36:49) BQ: More answers … "F" grade * (0:47:26) BQ… Is seeing thoughts the same as feeling thoughts? * (0:52:45) BQ… "I am