St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Love Never Fails



There is this great scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, where Indiana Jones has a glorious epiphany. He is trying to find the lost Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis find it and use it as a talisman, a thing of power. The key to finding it is inscribed on a long-lost medallion. One of the Nazi agents grabs the medallion and, because it is white hot, has the inscriptions burned into his hand. Thinking they have the cipher to unlock the location of the ark, they send their teams to Egypt to dig.            When Indiana Jones takes the medallion to see an old friend, they find someone who can read it. Suddenly they realize that they have only one-half of the cipher and exclaim together, “They are digging in the wrong place!” That might be a good descriptor of what Paul is teaching us in I Corinthians. It seems, then and now, most of our best energy and investments are in the showy, flashy, even spectacular, rather than investing in the virtue of love. Of course, it is easy to see why. Compared to Jesus' kind of