Wine for Normal People

Ep 537: 10 Outstanding White Wines for Fall



According to all the data – both anecdotal and industry –white wines have staged a huge comeback and are on the way to becoming more popular than red wines. The good news is that there are so many underrated, undiscovered white wines that you can enjoy year-round. Many of us drink seasonally, and when the weather cools down, we shift right to reds. It’s hard to get into the idea that there are also whites for cooler weather. In this show I give you a list of 10 white wines that are great for autumn. They are slightly more robust, are medium to full bodied, and are flavorful and totally satisfying.   At the excellent suggestion of the Patrons, I categorized the show by wines that are easy to find, wines for which you may have to go to specialty shop, and those you probably are going to need to order online.   Special thanks to Trish Riggs at Allegria Wine Room in Logan, Ohio – friend and Patron, for okaying the list! Pairings and some producers are mentioned in the show.   I got through three categories for y