Finding Sacramento Podcast

Katherine Bardis and Rachel Bardis of Bardis Homes



Nathan sits down with Katherine Bardis and Rachel Bardis of Bardis Homes for the 20th episode of the Finding Sacramento podcast. They chat about how you break into a business market with longstanding players, how you plan a business around the cyclical nature of the market, why the current housing market is an opportunity for home builders to innovate, what risk you take getting into the real estate business, the state of the Sacramento housing market, why the affordable housing problem in Sacramento is a tough equation to solve, and what the future may hold for Sacramento. Finding Sacramento is a podcast about Sacramento entrepreneurs, musicians, artists, and chefs and how they found their ‘roots’ in the City of Trees. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes here to get new episodes of the show each week! Oh and if you are feeling super nice like the Finding Sacramento Facebook Page here or follow the show on Instagram here or Twitter here.