Homesteads And Homeschools

Raising Liberty with the Rhymeses



Meet the Rhymeses, Danielle and Jeremy, co-hosts over at one of the newest pods in town, Raising Liberty. We talk about their homeschool journey with nine children and how they work to prepare their children for the working world as they grow up. And of course, we talked about what their new pod has to offer and their hopes for it's growth. The Links Raising Liberty Raising Liberty on Facebook Raising Liberty on Twitter Raising Liberty on Instagram Music from the Show: Nick Piccone - You's and I's Crosby Stills and Nash - Teach Your Children Shocking Blue - Acka Raga Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera - Ride a Hustler's Dream If you're enjoying the show, you can join the discussion on the Homesteaded Homeschool Forum Discord server, or you can show your support by becoming a patron on Patreon and get access to bonus shows, seeds, and merchandise (and if you don't like Patreon, you can sign up to support the show on BitBacker!) You can also do your Amazon shopping through our Amazon link. Please subscribe and le