The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Humor, Fun And Masculinity - MTP429



Co-Host Scott Grace ( Using humor in your life is powerful, and it all starts with having a sense of humor...which is different than being funny, right? My guest Scott Grace is not only an author of a book on masculinity, he's been a professional humorist for years. So to get started, why is having a sense of humor and appreciating comedy so much more beneficial to us than we even realize? And what do dolphins have to teach us about life? And why do so many men take themselves so seriously...when we already realize it's no fun to do that? Do we have to be some sort of comedian to pull this humor thing off correctly? What else can you do in the name of humor to make women feel safer and more comfortable with you? Does it make sense for us as masculine men to indeed give levity a chance? Should we give peace (or piece?) a chance while we're at it? Last, and certainly not least, Scott 'graces' us with an impromptu unplugged concert selection, which definitely does not disappo