The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Be Your Own Personal Security Force - MTP241



My guest this week is a private investigator. Sure, countless TV shows and movies have romanticized his profession, but what is it really about? After years in law enforcement and working for the DEA, Larry Forletta has become a wise and sensible voice on how to maintain personal safety and security as a man. Although it thankfully doesn't happen often, life can throw sudden challenges at us that elicit a 'fight or flight' response. How do you know which option to take? And if it's time to fight, how can you be better prepared for action on a split-second's notice? What if firearms are involved? Also, what are the more subtle but mission-critical ways we as men need to keep our heads up so as to maintain a 'safe perimeter', not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones? You'll discover some down-to-earth and sensible advice that will transform your sense of personal security immediately, along with some truly ninja tips discovered over the course of Larry's full career in law enforcement and the DEA. Ho