The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Women Love Refined, Evolved Civility - MTP218



Far too much conversation nowadays has been reduced to ad hominem name calling, especially on social media. There's no question it's pedantic, anti-masculine and therefore decidedly unattractive to women. Nevertheless, it seems like emotions are running at a fever pitch and sober judgment is going out the window. In the midst of all that, how do we secure our rightful place as mature, civil men of character? And what can we do to reclaim it if we've found ourselves slipping lately? Well, my guest Ed Wynn is best known for his political commentary, but his latest book We The People gets to the heart of the subject du jour. So what's the best way to set the tone for a civil conversation from the very start? How can you guard against falling into the trap of sneaky internet trolls? Why is it people nowadays have turned everything political, are so dogmatic and judge different views so harshly? Has narrative-driven cognitive dissonance really replaced rational logic? Is it really possible to 'choose truth over fa