The Chick Whisperer Podcast

What Older Men Know That Younger Guys Don't - MTP180



A blast from the past has resurfaced, and it's none other than my long-time friend and frequent oldskool David D. co-collaborator Will H., aka 'Big Will'. Together, he and I are like two examples of the 'old bull' from ye olde 'two bulls on the hill' joke. We were sure to poke a lot of fun at ourselves and tell embarrassing stories in this episode, and we sincerely trust that you young bulls out there will be fully equipped to 'walk down there and get 'em all' after you're finished listening. And rest assured, whatever age you are you're going to get lots of laughs out of this show. Will H. is known for his humorous way of bringing logical fact to light, and we've never had a dull moment recording together. So of course, we fully address why younger women tend to love older men so much...and better yet, how younger guys can bridge the gap. What are the most infamous fashion faux pas committed by men...along with the social ones that basically act as chick repellent? How is it that older guys can possibly be m