The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Double Your DeAngelo - MTP174



Most of you probably know my guest co-host as David DeAngelo, one of the founding fathers of the modern men's dating advice movement. But for the past decade or so Eben Pagan has been on a journey of personal evolution, leading him to a mission of inspiring you to turn your passions into both a living AND and legacy. Indeed, many of us as men often wonder aloud what our true gifts even are, let alone feeling any passion toward them. So then, how DO we figure out how we're going to leave a positive mark on the world? OH SCREW IT...we both knew about ten minutes into this thing it was time to throw away the script and go old-school talking David D. stuff. That's what you want, and that's what we gave you. And baby, does this show deliver. The segue starts with the ironic reality of how the David D. mystique happened, especially given the man Eben has become and what he is teaching nowadays. But as fun as the story of David D.'s early days are, stay tuned for perhaps the most shocking statement Eben could possib