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(Part 2) How to Be Everywhere Online in Less Than 1 Hour/Week



Imagine what it would be like if your brand could be everywhere all the time. Think of all the marketing power this would give you. On today's episode, Ralph and Kasim continue the discussion on Kasim's "digital herpes" marketing strategy - a term that represents the ability to appear wherever your potential clients are. All Marketers want the same thing: To stay top of mind and connect with their target audience when they are most likely to buy. This is essentially what omnipresence does. You create valuable content and make sure your content shows up everywhere your connected consumers look. But why is this so important? As Kasim explains, when people start looking for information about a particular subject and everything they find has been created by you, you instantly become an authority. You don't have to settle for market share. Tune in to learn how you can become a key player in your industry and use retargeting ads to follow your target market all over the internet.IN THIS EPISODE, YOU'