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Episode 337: What's Working Now: Changes in Facebook Ads Manager with Angela Ponsford of Tier 11



Facebook is figuring things out after last summer’s iOS update, and your business will continue to profit from Facebook ads if you stay on top of the changes.   Angela Ponsford is the VP of Customer Success at Tier 11. Less than an hour after receiving an email update from their Partner Manager at Facebook, she sits down with host Ralph Burns to talk about all things traffic, conversion, and what the changes in Facebook Ads Manager mean for you and your business. Even with all the unforeseen challenges recently, Facebook is still a great advertising platform. You just need to make sure you have the right tools in your toolbox.   Listen in as Angela explains everything you need to know about AEM attribution, reporting, view-through conversions, optimization, creating website custom audiences, and more. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: Why view-through conversions are controversial in the Facebook ad space  How to get around frustrating Facebook algorithms Small changes in Facebook Ads Manager that add up to a