Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV EP #23: ClickFunnels vs InfusionSoft



Want to grow your fan pages? Transcription: Hello, Brett Campbell here. I'm just shooting this quick video because I get asked this question a lot. It's to do with ClickFunnels, Infusionsoft, other email marketing services, and drag and drop website builders, et cetera. I'm just going to lay out my experience and why I use what I use, and hopefully with that can help you because number 1, I just want to put out there that just because Expert A says that you must use this and this, it doesn't mean it's going to be the best fit or perfect fit for your business, so really important that you remember that because someone could easily say, "Yes, you should use Infusionsoft." At the end of the day, it really does depend and I'll share with you why. When I first started out in the game, I was using AWeber as my email marketing service. It was because I had a very ... I didn't really even have a list when I was starting so that's where I started building my list. The reason being wa