Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #16: How You Can Use Pokemon Go To Revolutionise Your Business


Synopsis Transcription What you can learn from this phenomenon called Pokemon GO. How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of the Authority Academy, the online coaching community where we help entrepreneurs and small business owners generate more leads, more fans, and more customers. Today, I want to talk about a craze that is sweeping the globe, and it is that of Pokemon. Just before we get into that, I just want to give you just a few numbers, just to add some context to this. No doubt you've seen in your Facebook news feed, or even members of your family running around the streets trying to catch these bloody things called Pokemon. The reality of the situation is, is this game, right? It's a game that is created, I don't know too much about it, to be honest, because I haven't jumped over the fence yet. Mind you, though, I'm very, very curious to actually have a go at it, but I think I will manage by leaving it alone. Anyhow, Pokemon, I was reading this morning,