Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #13: Why Lead Magnets and Optin Pages Suck


Synopsis Transcription: Why lead magnets and opt in pages suck. How are you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of The Authority Academy, the online coaching community for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone who has a passion, a skill set, and knowledge that they want to get out to the world. Today I want to talk to you about why I believe lead magnets and opt in pages suck. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're like, "Brett, you have lost your marbles. You've gone absolutely out of control." There's a caveat that I want to put around this. Now, of course, I use that why lead magnets and opt in pages suck to get you interested into coming in to listen to what I have to say about it. Trust me, what I am about to tell you is 100% truth, and I reckon by the end of this explanation, you're going to agree with me. Let me start. Lead magnets and opt in pages suck if used incorrectly. In this day and age with the accessibility and ease of being able to creat