Authority Academy Radio With Brett Campbell

AATV Ep #12: Take The Leap


Synopsis Transcription: Sometimes in life you’ve got to just take the leap. How you doing? It's Brett Campbell here, creator and founder of Authority Academy and today I'm reporting live from magical Thailand. It's about quadrillion percent humidity here. I'm currently just taking 7 days out and I'm over at a friend's event and we're doing a heap of cool things. I wanted to send this quick video. I was just sitting over in my seat and checking out this trapeze thing going on here and I'm seeing these little kids climbing up to the top and you can see the fear in their eyes that they're not sure whether or not they need to take the leap. I just want to ... It really just implanted this message with me. So many things that we do in our everyday life, what we do and what we tend to do is we over complicate things. When you're at the edge sometimes, you do just need to take the leap. If you've got a harness on and you're strapped in, you're going to be safe. It made me think of how many