Sales Heroes

Ep. 22 Social Media Visionary Jack Kosakowski



Jack was born into a family of sales all-stars.  His Grandfather was a friend of Zig Ziglar.  Jack watched him speak to thousands about perseverance, having no idea that he would one day have such a large impact himself.   His career in sales changed when he was challenged by a customer.  The marketing executive said, "Jack, you're great at sales, but you DON'T UNDERSTAND MY WORLD.  If you did, you would be deadly." From that was borne a steel resolve to give in a transaction way before asking for someone to become a true person of value. Social media became the means by which he would do that.   Super Power: Social Media Revenue Visionary, & Helping Buyers Win First Quotes: "it's my job to market myself, and not my company's" "everything in sales is about conversation and process" "get visible, valuable, and connected."  "I want them to know that I am an advocate first and a sales person second.  I am going to help them first, then see where the value is on the back end." Book Recommendation: No