Sales Heroes

Episode 8- Ann Collett : Selling from the Place of Your Personal Strengths



From drugstore clerk at 8 years old to an influencer of cities, Ann has been selling all of her life.  She is now a Giant in the profession.  Listen, especially to wisdom she shares about finding your strengths. Part I:  Her job: Fighting In a Pit- Getting Buy-in from ALL AROUND. Part II. Origin: A generational sale person...selling as a little girl.   "Sales is not something I chose...It's something I had." Part III: The Journey: Pushed into sales. Part IV: Superpower Revealed: StrengthFinders 2.0 by Tom Rath "Focus on your strengths!" Part V: Toughest Battle:from layoff to life purpose Part VI: Great Victory: Ann Wins a City Learning from mistakes won a huge sale for a community. "Expand your sales team...outside of your sales team." Contact Info: twitter: @anncollett