Taiko Skin

TaikoSkin Podcast Ep.15- 'Getting a Musical Education'



If you play a lot of taiko, or any other musical instrument for that matter, you may have considered the possibility of getting a formal education in music. It's a career enhancing move that many musicians take. In this TaikoSkin Podcast, we ask Isaku about his experiences at the Berklee School of Music and his reasons for going there.We'd love to hear your experiences too. Share them with us at  taikoskinpodacast@gmail.com, or leave us a comment below. Likewise, if you have any questions for Isaku about getting a musical education.Tip of the MonthMake yourself some business cards. It gives you credibility, and makes it far easier for people to contact you- which also means you'll be easier to ask for gigs.Video of the MonthAnd here's the link if you need it: Ondekoza (Taiko Drummers of Mt Fuji)Click play below to hear the podcast, and if you're looking for our back episodes, and all of Joe Small's bits about Kodo, you can find them all at the iTunes link below:  audioPlayer( "EP15FE", "http://dl.dr