

As your business grows its visibility, authority, and will experience more Haters than ever before. At first it may come as a shock and it won't feel good, but in this episode I'm going to share with you my 3 tips for how to Handle the haters, so that you can at least shorten the shock period and know what to do when it happens.   Time Stamped Show Notes 00:08 – As I’ve been scaling up my income, visibility, and authority… I’m continuing to experience more haters than ever before. Seriously, one second, everything was peaceful and then the next second, after I started doing FB ads, and interviews, and getting PR...all of a sudden there were people saying mean stuff on my posts, sending me hate mail, being jerks. 1:03 – At first when it happened, because I’m a good, sensitive person, yeah it bothered me. And it’ll probably shock you at first too, but hopefully these 3 tips will shorten up the shock period and prepare you for exactly what to do. 1:26 – Tip # 1: So first: Anticipate It. Look, peopl