Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 41 - Become A Renowned Industry Expert In 3 Simple Steps



I'm going to make you famous! I mean, it’s no secret that I am pretty big freaking deal *brushes shoulders off* (just kidding... or am I?)... So if you want to be a big freaking deal in your industry too, then you have to be seen as an authority or expert in your niche. No matter your industry... if you want to have name recognition, to make an impact, and experience seamless sales too, you have to be seen as an authority or an expert in what you do!   Time Stamped Show Notes 00:52 – Introduction. 1:04 – If you want to be famous then you have to be seen as an authority in your niche. If you want to have name recognition make an impact and experience seamless sales too you have to be seen as an authority or an expert in what you do. 1:30 – Some people think that authority means getting thousands of likes on Facebook or hearts on Periscope but the truth is that it’s actually much simpler and a lot faster than that too. 1:42 – You require just three things to be seen as an expert or an authority in your niche.