Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 32 - How To Ethically Leverage Swipe Files In Your Business



Swipe files allow for you to write copy, create graphics, and cut your marketing time in half, because rather than starting from scratch, you can "swipe" what others have already created. The trick is... you have to do it ETHICALLY! It's not ok to copy people's text or even their images, but you CAN model the structure and allow their ideas to inspire you. Timestamped Show Notes 0:52 – Introduction. 1:51– I am not suggesting that you steal or copy but you can take pictures of what’s working for others to reduce your research time in the future and ensure that your marketing is following best practices. 2:16 – So if I see a landing page that’s working really well and I know that that landing page is driving sales then I can click a picture of that landing page and evaluate the layout of the page and use it as a model to create my own pages without copying their images and text. 2:58 – If I come across someone’s Facebook ad that grabs my attention and causes me to stop scrolling through my newsfeed, I know tha