Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 24 – 5 Pieces Of Automation Software That I Use In My Business



Today’s episode is all about the five pieces of automation software that I use in my business, and that you can use to save yourself time and take work off of your plate for good. I spent a week talking about this in my Facebook group, The Balanced Entrepreneur, which you can join for free. I post exclusive tips and resources for my community every single day, and you’ll be able to join me live next time I talk on FBLive. Time Stamped Show Notes 1:00 – Introduction 2:30 – If you want to grow your business without growing your work load, and you want to know what to automate but you don’t know how to automate it, I am here to introduce you to five pieces of automation software that you have to know about. 3:00 – 1: Meet Edgar is a social media scheduling software that is about $49 / month. I use Meet Edgar to send traffic to my offers my posting about my content and my offers on my social media pages. I create my content in bulk and then schedule it once a quarter with Meet Edgar. It also helps to keep some o