Graduates Anonymous

Episode 16: Summer Break Pt. 1



Our episode is a little unlike the usual. We dedicate the first part of the episode to responding to some of our listener mail and feedback on twitter. We also have no guest and spend time talking about work, family visits, Game of Thrones, Dr. Who, other podcasts, and ideas for the show. Our Q&A this week comes from someone who struggled in their first year and feels like they're still paying for it interpersonally and professionally. Soon to come, our GA reading list. Also, send us a voice memo to letting us know how you spend your free time in grad school/what hobbies you do to help stay balanced. Weekly Recommendations Nanni Balestrini - We Want Everything Podcasts In Color Intro: Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks Outro: Cast of Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp - I Am a Wolf, You Are the Moon