Pile Of Shame

#25 - Sleeping Dogs Inside



http://d20crit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/PoS25.mp3 Rob returns to Hong Kong as he reviews Sleeping Dogs and goes back to an alternate 19th century Japan in Toukiden 2. Destiny reveals a sequel to its “10-year game”, Pete beat a game providing another take on Inside and makes yet another drunken ride to hell.  All that and more on episode 25 of the Pile of Shame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpUlV6AkGm4 Ride to Hell: Retribution Chroma Squad Sleeping Dogs Toukiden 2 World of Goo Inside Theme Music: Dawn of Neptune https://soundcloud.com/dawn-of-neptune - The New Uprising   Show Twitter: @PoShame | Twitch: PoShame | YouTube: PoShame Channel | Email: show@poshame.com Rob Steam: Chaithi | PSN: Kitsucoon | Xbox Live: Fatalm00n | Twitter: @The_Chaithi | Twitch: Chaithi Pete Steam: fightingviper | PSN: DeadbeatNapkin | Xbox Live: DeadbeatNapkins | Twitter: @fightingviper | Twitch: fightingviper Totem Steam: Totemlydrunk