Pb & Jason

Issue 79: Mass Disappointment



Remember last week when I said I didn't care about Mass Effect 3? I was wrong. Controversy has arisen over the game's endings, and said controversy is enough to make me care about the game, at least to a meager extent. If you're inclined to not know anything about the story and/or endings for Mass Effect 3, skip over a few minutes of the podcast, but be sure to listen to the rest! Why? Because there's Dillon's Rolling Western opinions, tons of Kid Icarus: Uprising information, a Club Nintendo update, more controversy with Tekken X Street Fighter and Sonic 4 Episode 2, and more! Click through to find the download, subscription, and listening links. Of course, those with listener mail can always contact me by sending email to jason@pixlbit.com. Come back next Wednesday for Issue 80! I'm sure it'll be next week's best ever PB & Jason, too!