Earth Magic Radio With Dr. Steven Farmer

Hay House Author,Lisa McCourt



Dr. Steven Farmer is the author of several best-selling products including Earth Magic, Animal Spirit Guides, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Sacred Ceremony, and Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD. Dr. Farmer is a Soul Healer, shamanic practitioner, ordained minister, hypnotherapist, former college professor and former psychotherapist. He offers workshops and presentations on Soul Healing and a variety of Earth centered spirituality topics.

Dr. Farmer brings a wealth of skills and experience to his writing, teaching, and spiritual healing. He offers private Soul Healing sessions in person and by telephone in a unique and powerful synthesis of his many years of experience as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and shamanic practitioner to afford quick and effective results.

Dr. Farmer makes his home in Laguna Beach, California. For further information, go to