Prosper By Property

Michael Dong - Michael Moved From China To The UK & Has Now Mastered The Wholesale To Retail Strategy



Having started life from a humble background in China, Michael Dong is now a highly motivated property entrepreneur and multi business owner who has spent the last decade delivering millions in revenue, through hands on property operations. ​ As a visionary investor, Michael enjoys systemising and scaling his property business to ‘up his game’ and as a result has developed his own highly successful wholesale to retail strategy. This strategy achieves maximum profit through BMV purchase in bulk, renovation with economy of scale and retail on individual basis. ​ During this episode we discuss: - Working smart and not hard - Leverage - The power of knowledge  - Buy to lets - Multi million £ property deals  - Plus much more ​ Listen to this episode now to see how Michael Dong ticks... ​ hosted by Mike Howman (Click name to see bio)    ​ What Next?   - Enjoyed the post? Subscribe  to Prosper By Property newsletter to get more property tips & to keep up to date on future podcast.   - Would you benefit from 1v1