Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

Why Real Food Is the Secret to You and Your Family Sticking With Healthy Habits



"The way that you look and the way that you see yourself are not one and the same." - Jamie Dana In this episode I talk with Jamie, a health counselor and foodist success story. Jamie and I have similar backgrounds and a lot in common. We both had mothers who raised us on packaged diet foods and jazzercise videos. And we both had powerful “a-ha” moments at the farmers market that changed how we approached our healthstyle forever. Jamie tells her story about how she was able to introduce healthier foods into her and her family’s lives, and the impact it has made on their outlook of the world. Her tips on how she turned her kids into more adventurous eaters and look at food completely differently are invaluable. We also discuss what processed foods do to your brain, how tiny steps lead to huge successes and how living in line with your core values can bring rewards that are so much larger than what you could have ever imagined. Jamie reminds us that eating well is not complicated and that how you feel on