Note Mba

141: Buying an Entire Hedge Fund Tape



Buying an entire hedge fund tape sounds really exciting - and maybe a little scary. Recently, with many of the pricing issue we're all seeing in the market, we've decided that buying an entire hedge fund tape seems to be the only way to get the deals and pricing we want. On today's show we talk about our recent at bat trying to do just that. Buying an Entire Hedge Fund Tape We've heard a decent bit of grumbling in the market about pricing - we've even talked about it on the show before. And if we're being honest, we've done some belly aching ourselves. However, belly aching isn't going to solve the problem. So we've been game planning and strategizing on what we can do about it. Recently, the thought of buying an entire hedge fund tape is one of those ideas we landed on. Now buying an entire tape isn't something new. People have been buying entire hedge fund tapes since the 1980's. We even have some close contacts that have picked up entire tapes - or pools the size of an entire tape. If you've been in the bu