Note Mba

130: Reviewing Your First Note Investing Deals



Reviewing your first note investing deals can be a daunting task. You finally get a tape in, you load up Due Diligence Pro, and you get down to business. Before you know it, you've isolated a few potential deals, then what? If you're like some of the folks that send us emails, or our very own David Glinkski, you might have to overcome that moment of fear. Is my team in this market set up? Do I believe the BPO? Can I trust my ROI calculator? Let talk about it in this week's show. Road Trip Robby After spending some extensive time out of the country, traveling, working on a movie out in California and many other things. Robby is finally ready to get back to doing his thing in the real estate space. First off, similar to Fannie Mae selling off a large tranche of deals, we are looking to do the same. These are NPLs that no longer fit into the portfolio we're trying to maintain. If Ohio is a market you've been looking at investing in, or if you're already investing there drop us a line at We'll b