Note Mba

129: When to Start Looking for JV Investors



When to start looking for JV investors? It's a question that has come up regularly in the Note MBA inbox. So, we decide to tackle this topic on today's show. We also cover Nevada as a super lien state, using your reserves to invest in deals, we take our first call-in question, and more. It's a freaking jam packed episode! If you dug the call-in segment let us know. We can potentially work out a better system for taking the calls, and bring more of that kind of content to the show. We absolutely loved it. And an future call-in would need to work on matching Iris' energy - which is gonna be no small feat. When To Start Looking For JV Investors There are numerous angles that need to be addressed when you ask this question. One of the first hurdle for many people is fear. When to start looking for JV investors, often time comes down to a person's fear about losing money. And don't kind yourself, as we discussed in last week's show, fear can be an important response to stimuli. However, fear can also be unnecessar