Note Mba

114: Selling a Las Vegas Condo, a Haitian Orphanage & Giving Back



Robby is selling a Las Vegas condo he's had since he got into the business. We polled the community, and you sent over your feedback. It was a bittersweet moment when he realized that selling was the right move. Along with that, we also discuss Robb'y trip to Haiti and giving back. While the gentlemen are both back from some culture heavy events, they waste no time jumping back into the swing of things. Chase starts out by referencing an episode from about 20 shows back where they polled the audience. It was a poll about whether Robby should focus on selling a Las Vegas condo or keeping it. The overall recommendation was to sell it which Robby went ahead and did. Robby took a video on it which will be released soon as well so keep a look out for that. Robby then segues into his transformational charity trip to Haiti which reminded him of how he and many people can overvalue certain things in life (the Vegas property was one of them) and that we need to remember that life provides abundance in so many ways tha