Note Mba

111: Out of State Rehabs, Digging Deep Closing Technique & Real Estate Drone Footage



This week we discuss out of state rehabs, have a discussion on goals, fat taxes & a situation in Cook County, Chicago. Robby received a letter from a borrower in the mail about a tax situation where somehow taxes on one of his assets were not paid. So, he had to think outside the box and work with his attorney’s to get them paid within 24 hours. They then segue into a situation up in Cleveland & Canton, Ohio where Robby signed off on the closing documents for a nightmare property. While he sold the property for less than he could have, Robby still made a really good return for the short amount of time they had the property and was able to hit two birds with one stone by getting rid of the horrible property management company Hayes Property Management, in case anyone forgot, on this one and by getting access to the capital that was tied up in the property so he could use it on another deal. On the Cleveland portion of this trip, Robert went to check in on some remodels he had going on with a solid refe