Note Mba

050: Deals on Deals on Deals



On this week’s episode we a running through a variety of deals as we feel like we’ve been a bit light on deal talk. We’re going across the country from Illinois, to Ohio, to Florida, and some in between. Mr. Woods is slowly getting settled into his new place and the office is up and running even though nothing else is, so expect some more video content coming your way as he settles into the new place. Stay tuned if you’re at all interested in hearing about the deals we have running around the country, the topics we’re hitting on this week include: -Short sale negotiations -Refinance settlements -Countering offers from buyers -Short sale commission levels -What’s the offer price -What are you paying the 2nd position holder? -The ATL fire disaster -Another foreclosure in small town Illinois -Assignment of rents -Ohio re-performer that has yet to re-perform -Statutory interest on judgments in Ohio -Ohio homestead or lack thereof If any of that sounds interesting, this week’s show is for you. Let us know your fee