Note Mba

038: Borrower Outreach & ROI Calculation



We had a fantastic week in Washington, DC. There was a great group of new and veteran investors we had the pleasure of talking, teaching, and interfacing with over the weekend. Not only that, but we drove some very promising default commercial assets. Once we get pricing, and a few other details, on these deals we'll be talking about them on the show. On today's show we address a listener question regarding servicing and borrower outreach. We have pretty strong feelings regarding the job servicing companies do for you, and when you should bring them onboard. We briefly touch base on the new fund we've been working on for the past few months. Then we dive into preferred investor returns. How you should have those conversations with your private money people. During conversations with these private money sources you need to be setting appropriate expectations. We’d like to hear more from our listeners regarding how they have educated themselves about note investing. Please take a minute and write us at ask@note