Note Mba

037: Foreclosure Timeline Expectations And Listener Feedback



We had some great listener feedback over the past week in regard to a question from Eric last week asking about the FCI Exchange. There are some great notes about the value found in the Exchange for a “new” note investor. Ed who wrote in about FCI gave some personal insight into how much money he used to start investing with via his Self Directed IRA and how he is planning on growing that amount. Ed also shared that he has purchased some 2nd position notes from Dave Van Horn at PPR. Robby hits on an article from an attorney up in New York that he found via a group on LinkedIn. Check out the article by Peter T. Roach called: Do we still need assignments of mortgage in New York? This also relates partially to a new foreclosure that Robby has started in TX on an asset that has an unrecorded assignment as of this recording. We end the show discussing some numbers on one of Robby’s deals up in Ohio and how to manage your expectations of a foreclosure timeline. We’d like to hear more from our listeners regarding ho