Note Mba

031: Terrible Service & The 10,000 Hour Rule



Challenges are simply opportunities for improvement. Robby has been having a bit of a hard time with communication between a few of his vendors. As he openly admits we all know these challenges are going to arise, but it is still frustrating when they do. He owns the fact that there is room for him to improve his communication with these same vendors and that may be all the situation needs. However, there can be a serious financial impact when these challenges lead to delays in your ability to move a deal forward. With a single loan having the potential for costs to run nearly $1,000 a month, or $30 a day, these delays can mount up over a portfolio. If delays occur on 10 loans a month out of a 50-loan portfolio, you will be costing your business nearly $120,000 a year in lost potential profit. That is a lot of cheddar. Chase takes us into a great conversation about being an expert. And how to hack the 10,000 hours everyone says you need to invest to become an expert. The motivation came from having a good wee