Note Mba

018: NoteLinQ, The Premier Note Marketplace



Sorry for the audio quality, there was a bit of a technology issue this week. We feel horrible that we had to drag it out for so long as a secret, but we’re finally ready to talk about the launch of NoteLinQ. As Chase puts it, NoteLinQ is essentially the eBay of the non-performing note market. We know, as people within the business, and from all the communication we do with others in the business, what two of the biggest needs are: Deals & Capital. NoteLinQ is positioned to help as many people in this space with the first need, deal flow. This has been a total labor of love for months now. Since Robby was in Thailand back in episode two. One thing to note is that Robby is offering a $150 discount off the registration for the first 18 Note MBA listeners that sign up on Wednesday and Thursday. Click on the Buyer Registration from the NoteLinQ homepage. Use the coupon: notemba. He’s also going to send you a $250 credit towards your first note purchase from the platform. Come check us out at NoteWorthy East u