Note Mba

009: Listener Q & A on Due Diligence



We did a live recording at the Lifestyles Unlimited event in Houston, TX. While we’re here working, make sure you get out and network with other real estate investors in your market. Surround yourself with other people that are investing time in improving their businesses. Chase is putting together an e-mail marketing case study to show you how simple changes to his e-mail template lead to a 500% increase in our click thru rate. This is something for you to look at if your running the marketing for your company on your own and want to see an example of what one of our successful templates looks like. While you’re at it, go check out what Chase is working on over at Today’s main focus is on answering questions that we received over the past week. Cody Cox wrote in and asked: What we look for during due diligence when the collateral file is on your desk? How we determine our offer prices when we are looking to purchase assets? One thing we hit on is the importance of having someone like Ri