Gbh - The Garry Bushell Hour

Nigel Farage, Kingmaker in Waiting



He's Britain's most controversial politician, and he tells it like it is.  David Cameron? On Botox!  The BBC's chairman Chris Patten? An old toad who should be abolished! And please don't get him started on immigration. Wait a minute - this is The Garry Bushell Show!  The place where political correctness goes to die!  Yes - we can talk about immigration - and every other topic that mainstream media ignores today. Garry will go there.  And he's got the scalps to prove it. Join us for this take-no-hostages one-one-one with Garry and Nigel Farage, the boss of UKIP. UKIP now has a crucial 16% of the national vote, and will almost certainly decide the outcome of Britain's next election. Love him or hate him, you've never met a politician like him. Join us every couple of weeks right here for free thinking and free speech. And in the meantime, join in the discussion on the website.