Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast 111 - Travis-T (Pt 1)



Fear sits down with Travis-T from This Freakin Show! But first we have to touch base with our "Dino Correspondent" King Dylan! Dylan tells us his take on the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailer  Travis thanks for being on the show, but then is upset about a "London" mixup! Jedi set him straight as to where we actually were. The FYFCast WORLD TOUR! Should we do a Facebook Live "Q & A"? Fear talks a lot about the re-focusing of FYFC. Where did the nick names come from? We talk cookies! Travis tells a tale of Ice Cream. The two share their lay off tales. Jobs Fear might have to do, should he not get another job. Could Fear's daughter be the next iCarly?  We talk Canadian accents. We talk about extremists on all sides! All that and more!