Stuff Your Dad Knows

When I Poke My Belly Button It Feels Weird. Why?



Ethan Millard is joined this episode by Rebecca Cressman of FM100 KSFI in Salt Lake City. Have you ever poked your finger in there?  Really crammed it down? Feels weird, right? There's a reason for that. All placental mammals have navels. It's the point of contact for the umbilical cord which handles all nutrient and waste issues for a developing fetus. The navel is essentially a scar. When you poke your finger in there really deep, you stimulate some nerves that your brain interprets as being somewhere around your bladder. Do you have an innie or an outie? Most people have innies.  That's also what people prefer aesthetically. Whether you get one or the other has to do with the way the scar tissue forms. It's not determined by the way doctors cut or clamp the umbilical cord. Graham Barker has been collecting his navel lint (also called navel fluff) since 1984. He stores it in little jars and in 2000 the Guinness Book of World Records declared his collection to be the largest of all the navel fluff collection