It's Not Weird, It's Russian!

Part 9: The Weather



Subscribe in a reader If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element or Right click to download the audio file I was born in England. Not exactly forged in snow (as I was born in July) but I had a strong self-belief of being able to withstand the cold. I was wrong. In my heart's core I'm a southern boy. Give me an African coast. Give me Florida heat.Moscow has the extremes; albeit a short summer, it's worth seeing. And experiencing. There are some awesome little fake beaches about Moscow with pools and loungers. There's even the tropical bar setting to drink beer and pass out in the sun.Not many people know this, but Russia fires chemicals into the air on special days to ensure it doesn't rain (can you say damage to the environment?). The chemicals would go great hand in hand with car methane emissions.The heat is so much that the roads must be sprayed with water so the tar doesn't melt.The two weeks of autumn can be some of the most beautiful settings in Russia. O