It's Not Weird, It's Russian!

Part 2: Russian TV



Subscribe in a reader If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element or Right click to download the audio fileOr listen on Soundcloud! This is always a powerful topic in the household. What to watch in Russia? So many options… let’s see… the badly dubbed movie, where all the men and women sound the same. Perhaps the dubbed episodes of FRIENDS, where Rachel sounds like a man, would take your fancy? The endless Russian comedy (oxymoron time) channel, or even the world’s longest reality show; Dom 2.I’m not a fan of dubs. You don’t get the performance the actor is offering with dubbed audio. I even watched the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movies in its native form with subtitles. In Russia, no subtitles. They dub it. You can sometimes hear the English track beneath the Russian audio. Feel free to scream now. Some cinemas offer English with Russian subs, but regular TV? Heh heh, no. So… what’s on?Dom 2: The world’s longest running reality show. A group of m